Graduated in Law in 1977, Otaola practiced as a lawyer until 1982 in the Bars of Bilbao, Vitoria and Madrid, he has been a Lawyer for the Government of the Basque Autonomous Community since 1982 and was Neighborhood Ombudsman-Herritarren Defendatzailea of the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz for eight years .
Promoter and animator of the Forum Club de los Iguales-Gure Artean, Regular Friend of the Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country/Euskalerriaren Adiskideak Elkartea, member of the Association of Writers of Euskadi/Euskadiko Idazleen Elkartea, and other cultural associations, mediators , and philanthropic.
Initiated in Freemasonry in 1979 in the La Tolerancia Lodge (Bilbao), co-founder of the Manuel Iradier Lodge in 1993 (Vitoria-Gasteiz), the Theorema Studies Lodge, (1997). He has been Grand Master of the Grand Symbolic Spanish Lodge (GOEU) (1997-2000) and President of the Masonic international CLIPSAS (1997-1999).

Javier Otaola is the author of multiple Masonic essays such as The Masonic Metaphor. Reason and sense, Fragments of a Masonic speech, At the threshold of the lodge, Freemasonry in person(s), together with Valentín Díaz, The lodge and the law of desire, Freemasonry and Hermeneutics. A problematic world, together with Andrés Ortiz-Osés, A look at the lodge, together with the Chilean photographer Sebastián Utreras. And other essays such as Secularism, a strategy for freedom, Citizenship and identity, Testutxoak, Christianity however. He has also written several novels: Skewer of Meat, Ace of Swords and Mama is Dead. Otaola is a regular contributor to Claves de Razón Practical, EL CORREO, EL PAÍS, Euskal Irratia Telebista and other media.
